Peer Review Process

TEFLIN Journal is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal. Submissions which meet the requirements of the journal are reviewed by two experienced reviewers in the field of ELT and are rated using the following criteria.

  1. The title is appropriate, concise, and clear. 
  2. Abstract well represents the article.
  3. The writer's aims are clear and well justified.
  4. The writer uses appropriate references.
  5. The references are adequate.
  6. All parts are complete and relevant.
  7. The article is of appropriate length.
  8. All the statements are clear.
  9. Diagrams, figures, illustrations are clear and functional.
  10. The article contributes to the advancement of theories and/ or practices in the field.
  11. For research report articles:
  • The problem/issue/purpose of the study is clear and well justified with contextualization within the wider web of relevant studies.
  • Research methodology and design suit the purpose(s). 
  • Research procedures are clearly described.
  • Research findings are well presented.
  • Discussion well explains the findings and logically links the findings to theories and/ or practices; alternative perspectives are sought for (where applicable).
  • Conclusions are well drawn.